Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I don't want to film a "slice of life" because people
can get that at home, in the street, or even in front
of the movie theater. They don't have to pay money
to see a slice of life. And I avoid out-and-out fantasy
because people should be able to identify wit the
characters. Making a film means, first of all, to tell a
story. That story can be an improbable one, but it
should never be banal. It must be dramatic and
human. What is drama, after all, but life with the dull
bits cut out. The next factor is the technique of film-
making, and in this connection, I am against virtuosity
for its own sake. Technique should enrich the action.
One doesn't set the camera at a certain angle just
because the camerman happens to be enthusiastic
about that spot. The only thing that matters is whether
the installation of the camera at a given angle is going
to give the scene its maximum impact. The beauty of
image and movement, the rhythm and the effects --
everything must be subordinated to the purpose.

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